Saturday, May 12, 2007

Reality Event | Survivor : Revisited

Its that time of the year again people! The annual Reality Event!

Right so let's get down to nitty-gritty detail!

Date : 2nd June 2007

Location : Subang Park (The park next to SJMC)

Time : (Registration) 8:00 a.m.

(Event Starts) 8:30 a.m.

Registration Fee : RM10/=

*update (not in the form)*

Estimated event end time : 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Closing date : 27th May 2007

This year's theme is based on Survivor (obviously) and a small part of Amazing Race. Those of you who haven't got your forms yet, do not fret, read on!


1. Download the form HERE. (You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader for this. Get it HERE if you don't have it***)

2. Print it out.

3. Fill it up

4. Submit it to either Jon Tan, Ferng Lin, Sue Ching, Jon Koh or someone who can pass it to any one of them.

*** For those with a slow connection (56k) get the jpeg version HERE

We MIGHT include some tips and extra infos here so remember to check back!

Ferng Lin

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