Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The LORD revives - 40-day Fast & Pray

"Transforming the nation through the local church" is the aim of this programme

As the whole nation's Christian gather & pray as 1 for this nation, may this nation be transformed!
This programme have 2 objective - 1. pray for this nation as 1 united body of Christ 2. Charity by donating the meal money that was saved to be put to use for God's Kingdom.

How do we fast? We can fast a certain meal (like skipping lunch), abstain from certain activity (no tv, computer games etc), certain type of food (go vegetarian). The main idea for fasting is that it will cost you something. If its too convenient & dont cost anything, then its not fasting.

Why do we fast? For me, this is because that it will help us to focus on God more. Bring us closer to God, as we fast & pray.

Here is the prayer guide for 1st week (22-7 until 28-7) -
Day 1 -
"Believers do not pray with the view of informing God about things unknown to Him, or of exciting Him to do His duty, of of urging Him as though He were reluctant. On the contrary, they pray in order that they may arouse themselves to seek Him, that they may exercise their faith in meditating on His promise, that they may relieve themselves from their anxieties by pouring them into His bosom; in a word that they may declare that from Him alone they hope and expect, both for themselves and for others, all good things." - John Calvin (1509-1564, French reformed theologian)

Dedicate "40-day Fast & Pray" to God. Acknowledge His Lordship over all areas of our lives - personal, family, church, community, the marketplace, our nation/government, and the world.

PRAY - Psalm 36:5-10

Personal - Looking Inward (Day 2-7)
Believers' individual transformation is essential as it establishes the only realistic hope of transformation of the families, the community, the marketplace, the nation, and the world. May God's righteousness be revealed in our transformed living! May He revive us for His Glory!

Day 2 (Jul 23, Wed) - Ps 51
- Confession (vv 1-4)
- Petition (vv 10-13)

Day 3 (Jul 24, Thu) - Rom 12:1-8
- To present my body as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God
- Fix my attention on God that i may be totally change from the inside
out, allowing God to bring the best out of me.
- Wisdom, guidance and strength to exercise my spiritual gifts with humility.

Day 4 (Jul 25, Fri) - Rom 12:9-13
- Let my act of love be real and sincere, holding on to what is good and turning away from evil
- Treat my brothers and sisters in Christ with affection and honour
- My attitudes in serving others be pleasing to God
- Be generous in serving others be pleasing to God
- Be generous and hospitable to our brothers and sisters in need

Thats all for now. Will add in more later on.


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